Sunday, October 31, 2010

Starting a new life for ourselves....

Its been two months since we have moved to AZ and a lot has happened. We both finally found jobs; Matt is working at the TPC of Scottsdale (it's a PGA golf course) as a caddie and I'm at Scottsdale Health care working as a tech. since I have my Tele license now. We both have new vehicles to cruz around in and I only have six weeks left of this semester.
Since moving we both have noticed several differences between UT and AZ, such as....
TRAFFIC, yeah try spending two and a half hours on the highway on a Friday night.
LOTTO TICKETS, yeah they sell them like Candy at the stores.
BARS, they are every where and any where.
STORES, they sale liquor in them, lol.
SMOKERS, everyone smokes down here!
TRAFFIC LIGHTS, yeah don't run them because they have cameras that will take a pic of you and send the ticket to your house. Why yes I was lucky enough to receive two.

So far the move has been a learning experience and both of us are starting to adjust. Here are some pics of all the madness so far.